Monday, January 28, 2013

Parenting can be hard...

I was told a very long time ago that I would never have children. That my best chance would be to have a surrogate because I had a one in a million chance of ever having children. Three years later, Maxine happened and five years after her, Sofia. I am a very lucky person. Those two are the light of my life...and the grey in my hair.

Nobody ever told me that parenting would be hard. That there would be up's, down's and in between's. That I would have to make decisions on the fly. That once they would start school, I would be starting school all over again, including homework. That sometimes I would have to fight for them because they are still too young to fight their own battles. That they could give me the best hugs ever. That when they would say "I love you," it would be the sweetest thing I would ever hear. That their kisses would be as sweet as they are. That a cuddle is really nice when you've had a bad day. That sometimes hearing "mommy" for the millionth time would make me want to run. Parenting is hard...hard for the mind, the body and every other way. Some parents drink a glass of wine (or two) at night to take the edge off. Some eat chocolates (me) and some, well some might just go to the gym a lot!

I wish I would have been told all of these things before hand or at least given a hint. Then I tell myself maybe the bad days would be easier to deal with but I'm not sure if I would have listened if someone would have taken the time to tell me everything. I've had a bad day and yes they happen. I get frustrated and in turn get frustrated with them. Hence I'm here writing about it. Being a parent is hard and it's ok. All the up's will make up for the down's and in between's. I just hope that at the end of the day, those two little girls will still love me and want to spend time with me when they are older and hopefully wiser than I will ever be.

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